When it comes to spicing things up in the bedroom with your partner, it can be challenging to figure out what works best for both of you. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to keep your partner’s attention, but with some effort, you can find healthy and enjoyable ways to keep the spark alive.

Whether you’re new to the dating scene or a long-term couple, there are plenty of ways to make your time in the bedroom more exciting and fulfilling. In this article, we’ll explore some healthy and effective tips that can help you keep your partner’s attention in the bedroom.

Play with the lights on

Some people love romance when the lights are on. They want to see your sexy body and movies. Many are turned off by the darkness because they can enjoy anything. This is particularly true for men who love visual things. They want to see you and all your body parts in the bedroom. Men want to see you moan to their touches.

Experiment with toys

Bringing adult toys into the bedroom can be a healthy way to spice things up and add some excitement to your intimate moments. A penis sleeve is one such accessory that can enhance pleasure for both partners.

A penis sleeve is a type of sex toy that fits over the penis and provides a new sensation during sex. The toy comes in a variety of sizes, shapes, and textures and can be used to enhance sensations for both partners. Using a penis sleeve can increase sexual stimulation, resulting in more intense and satisfying orgasms.

If you’re interested in trying out a penis sleeve, it’s important to communicate openly with your partner about your desires and preferences. Remember, introducing adult toys can be a healthy way to explore your sexuality and bring new levels of pleasure to your relationship.

Touch yourself

While many people find it embarrassing, touching yourself gets your partner’s attention in the bedroom. People love lovers who are in touch with their Sexuality. Understanding your partner’s sexual points in the bedroom is important, therefore touching your body parts makes you more attractive to your partner. 

Get sensual in places outside the bedroom

Some people are interested in romance in places outside the bed. Routine sex can be boring and choosing something different can add some spice to the bedroom. If you want your partner to be attracted to you in the bedroom, why not suggest playing in the bathroom, kitchen, and cushion? Choosing somewhere else can be appealing to your partner and make them love you more.

Slow things down

While sometimes we can be aggressive when it comes to sexual dealings, taking things slow can attract your partner in the bedroom. Many people are attracted to slow but deliberate actions in the bedroom. A simple tease can go a long long way and appeal to your lover. Slow teasing followed by full throttle can turn up your partner.

Foreplay is underrated

Foreplay can be an ideal way to get your partner’s attention in the bedroom. When you start with foreplay your partner will be relaxed and will key into your advances gradually. This is a nice way to ensure that romance in the bedroom is fine gradually to satisfy all partners. 


When seeking a healthy way to get your partner’s attention in the bedroom, here are some good avenues. This way ensures you and your partner have a nice time and are well pleased.