‘There will not be a magic day when we wake up and it’s now okay to express ourselves publicly. We make that day by doing things publicly until it’s simply the way we are.’ Do you agree with this quote by Tammy Baldwin, the first openly gay US senator? We definitely do, which is exactly why you should stand up for yourself and feel free to express your queer identity no matter the circumstances. If you want to find out how to make it happen, just keep on reading. Here is what you should do to express yourself as a proud queer individual, enjoy!
Remember what it means to be queer
Defining yourself as queer is much more than just a label that clarifies who you date and have sex with. That’s right – this adjective actually shows that you aren’t straight and therefore ties you to the larger queer community, but without labeling you as gay. Even though this term is a bit vague, that vagueness is completely intentional simply because it is an identity designed for everyone who doesn’t belong in the heterosexual norm. This is exactly why the term ‘queer’ creates a sense of acceptance and inclusivity and conveys both an orientation and a sense of community, which is what makes it so unique and universal. Besides that, you should remember that ‘queer’ was used as a derogatory term not too long ago. Luckily, the circumstances have changed a lot over the years, and this term is widely celebrated all across the globe nowadays thanks to numerous LGBTQ activists who spread the word and make it more comprehensible to everyone. Unfortunately, being a part of the LGBTQ community means that you’ll have to deal with a lot of negativity and even hatred, but try to stay strong and don’t let the haters get you down. No one has the right to judge you based on your sexual identity, don’t forget that!
Express yourself through art
In case you weren’t aware of it, the fact is that a large number of famous artists were struggling with their sexual identity. This is particularly true for poets, painters, writers, and other people who lived back in the past, when everything except heterosexuality was severely judged and frowned upon. Did you know that Oscar Wilde, one of the most famous writers, poets, and playwrights in the world, has been imprisoned because of his homosexuality? On the other hand, there were gay artists who expressed their ‘forbidden’ desire through art – particularly through Greek mythology. For example, in Frederic Leighton’s ‘Daedalus and Icarus’ (1869), there was a hint of a sexual relationship between an older mentor and a young man in Ancient Greece. However, we aren’t saying that you should express your queer identity through hidden symbolism – on the contrary, you should feel free to show who you are and spread the word about the queer community through your art. So, take a permanent marker and a piece of paper, start scribbling, and release your inner artist!
Become an LGBTQ activist
Expressing your queer identity can also be done by becoming an LGBTQ activist, so consider this option as well and show everyone what this community is all about. LGBTQ activists play a very important role in the community simply because they’re advocating equality and fighting for the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and transsexual people, and queer or questioning people. The devastating fact is that the LGBTQ community still doesn’t have the same rights as heterosexuals, which means that they can’t marry whomever they want and openly show their love. You should know that there’s a long way to go before true equality is achieved, so why wouldn’t you contribute to the movement and change LGBTQ history? Just take one step at a time and start in your local LGBTQ group by organizing events and educating people about the LGBTQ community. This is a fantastic way to start your journey as an LGBTQ activist and express your queer identity, so don’t miss this opportunity and you’ll love the outcome!
Even though expressing their queer identity has been a real struggle for a lot of people, it doesn’t really have to be like that for you. Of course, it isn’t all up to you – the people in your environment will play a huge role here, too, but remember that you’re the one who sets the rules when it comes to your sexual identity and don’t let anyone change that. Expressing yourself through art is always a good idea, as well as becoming an LGBTQ activist, so bear them in mind and you’ll start your journey in the best possible way. No matter how hard it can get, you can always count on the LGBTQ community which will always be there to have your back and motivate you to succeed. Good luck!