Why are we concerned about closeted romances that become Bromances? A relationship cannot be solely defined as straight. Most believe that Bromance defies the purpose of being gay.

Bromance. Everyone has a different idea of what the definition actually is. One school of thought says that is a platonic relationship between two men. They’re not sleeping with each other, but they love hanging out and doing things together.

Another school of thought says that it’s when two closeted gay men want to have all the benefits of a boyfriend but without having the relationship. They can’t because they are either in a heterosexual relationship or one is gay and the other is not.

Yet another school of thought says that it’s two heterosexual men who are in a homosexual relationship. They either do not want the world to know because they’re married, in a stable heterosexual relationship, or their families wouldn’t allow it.

Still, a new school of thought has come to state that a Bromance is simply another way of saying that two masculine men (homosexual or heterosexual) have an open relationship with the other. They’re single, not attached, active men who want to have sex with each other. They don’t care about labels, feelings, courtships, or otherwise. Let life live life let.

b2Basically, all the schools of thoughtful people have one thing in common. It’s the companionship of two men who are strongly not open to being labeled as homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, or otherwise. Most are not even part of the LGBTQIA+ community. You might be working with someone that is in a Bromance and not realize it.

It’s the basic concept of two guys hanging out, who are completely comfortable with each other and work together to build a real, strong bond. They are honest about what they share and trust each other enough that they have thoughts and desires and are open to exploring their feelings. They see each other often, text, and call each other frequently to talk and chat about anything.

They want the camaraderie of grabbing a bite to eat, go to a game, share a drink or two at the local pub. A weekend together and no one thinks twice about it, as they go on long trips, short drives, or on cruises.

Sex, of course, is a given. It’s not defined in the relationship. It’s a natural way of expressing and exploring each other without saying “I love you,” or feel obligated to buy a ring and say, “Marry me.” Their sex lives don’t need to be recognized by their family or peers; it’s their most intimate and private lives.

b3The Bromancers simply want the companionship. It’s basic sex, need companionship, strong camaraderie, and sharing one’s feelings that comes naturally when you have a friend. All of those feelings we want from our partners but without the hassles of dating, being in a relationship, or dealing with the drama that comes with jealousies, ownership, and marriage.

It’s not about closeted Romance becoming a Bromance. Does no one say that guys who want to have a gay relationship shouldn’t keep it straight? By any means, is it not defying the purpose? Call it Bromance. Because that’s what it is.