In an inclusive workplace a leader must understand the strengths of each member of his team and create conditions to maximise its contribution. Above all, it is imperative that everyone understands the importance of their role to overall success. In addition, he must be able to maintain contact with other team members. These prerequisites also apply when everyone is working in different places. 

Being an effective leader is not easy under normal circumstances. Now that everything seems to be turned upside down, an inclusive leader can lead a team to success where an authoritarian leader loses control. Here are tips on how to avoid it and build an effective inclusive workplace.

Give clear, consistent directions

Incomplete information and unanswered questions can create tension and doubt. If team members know what to expect and how the news will affect them directly, then they perceive all the changes much more calmly. 

Therefore, when communicating about new business initiatives, strategies, customers and partners, you should carefully consider the communication strategy in order to avoid misunderstandings and “brain ferment”. 

Messages can include details about how the company is doing, how the team is handling the assigned tasks, why new business models such as inclusiveness are being introduced, strategy is changing, new technologies are being deployed, and so on.

Achieve good communication with employees

The best way to show employees that they are working in the right place is to connect with them. Make an effort to communicate, ask them about personal problems and suggestions for your business. Make sure everyone feels like an equal part of the company. It’s also important to improve communication between employees, using things like the NDIS app, which allows easier discussion and planning. However, do not overdo it. Don’t ask questions that are too personal, not even out of curiosity. Your goal is to make no one feel uncomfortable.

Create reasons for frequent proactive interaction with team members

In general meetings, it makes sense to set aside time for everyone to speak up about their concerns. It helps maintain relationships and socialise. Here are some ideas to start a conversation.

Monday Exercise – Have everyone share how they support their own health, such as recommending their favourite running app, online yoga classes, or a meditation podcast.

The good news on Tuesdays is to let everyone tell you about some happy event in their personal life.

Thanksgiving on Wednesdays – everyone will acknowledge another team member for the specific help they have given them.

Confessions on Thursdays – invite everyone to share what they value in work and life

Friday plans – Ask everyone to tell you what they are going to do on the weekend.

Provide good conditions for all employees

If you want your business to be inclusive, you must make sure that all your employees are comfortable in the workplace. Make an effort to provide gender toilets for all sexual minorities. Unisex toilets can be great solutions. 

Talk to employees. Find out what they are missing for complete comfort in the workplace. In addition to meetings and joint discussions, you need to have good communication online as well. The choice of software and applications that the team will use is very important. Intranet systems are very important in any business, especially in an inclusive one where everyone must have space to express themselves and express their concerns and thoughts.

Don’t ignore anyone – even unintentionally.

Inclusive leadership means that no one should be left behind. Better to double-check the text of your post or email that you haven’t forgotten to mention someone. For example, if a leader organises a conference call on a specific topic, then not including the person in whose area of ​​responsibility this issue is on the list of participants will lead to alienation and unnecessary doubts about his role in the team. The same goes for thank you posts for the work done. 


Every leader is capable of becoming an inclusive leader. With a dedicated effort, it is possible to create and stimulate an environment that is as inclusive as you want it to be. Customers will never love you if your own employees don’t. The benefits of new and strengthened alliances, collaborations and partnerships are well worth the effort. But the most important thing is that all you do you do sincerely and with the best intentions.