This new day and age is not only daunting and nerve-wracking because of the waiting for the next season of Game of Thrones (yay for this last season, though, we got through it!), but because of all the pressure life is putting on our backs. More and more people feel anxious, which is a tremendous shame as life should be celebrated, not feared. I had to learn this the hard way. Why? Because, at one point in time, I also suffered from anxiety, and let me tell you, it was not a pretty thing. Being constantly stressed and anxious is an awful feeling. But, thank you Mother Nature. Yes, it’s nature that made me myself again, and I cannot be more thankful for that. This is why, if you’re suffering from anxiety, I will reveal a couple of my secrets.

Nature made me feel healthier

It was the moment when several of my friends asked me to go hiking with them. I still remember the day – the weather was excellent, and it was because of that that I said yes. Otherwise, I would have stayed home and watched a TV show. Anywho, it was then that I realized that the air in nature makes me feel healthier, and I cannot put into words how much that improved my mood. I know that one hike didn’t make me completely healthier, but I felt so. This was when I started taking more walks in forests, parks and through mountains. And still, every time I do, I feel just a bit healthier.

Nature made me realize life was diverse

One of the reasons why I was anxious and stressed out is because I didn’t believe that I was special. I was a completely regular guy who lived an ordinary life, so why would anyone think I was different? During that period, I was looking to take up a new hobby, and only by accident did I stumble upon scuba diving. The good thing is that I needed only my scuba diving equipment and that’s it. I loved it, and I still do. It made me realize that life was so diverse, that I was indeed quite extraordinary. Not everyone is like me. There are so many different things in this world, so many diverse life examples underwater. Even more on the ground.

There is so much more to life

Perhaps, by now, you think I’m quite melodramatic (maybe I am a bit because of Lorde’s Melodrama), but really, I am not. Since I’m sharing my feelings, I have to state for the record that stargazing is also an activity that I thoroughly endorse. Why? Because not only do we spend time in the fresh air gazing at the stars, but it can tell us that there is so much more to life than merely living our daily lives and working our 9-5 jobs. There is so much more out there, and the universe is vast. We are only given one life, and we should do whatever we can to make it a perfect one.

Nature relaxed me

Another reason how nature helped me in my anxiety is that it simply relaxed me. The greenery really soothed my eyes, and the smells were just fantastic, so I started spending more time outdoors. Even now, if you see a bearded guy in the park doing nothing but laying and breathing, the chances that it’s me are quite high. When I work out, I do that outside. When I have a cup of coffee, I always have a coffee-to-go, and then we take a walk in the park. The only thing I don’t do at the park is it. Well, not always, anyway.

More self-satisfied

Finally, I have to admit that it’s because of nature itself that I became much more self-satisfied. Namely, I started eating only organic and fresh products, which really helped me a lot. Not only did they make my relationship with nature much stronger, but I felt healthier as well, which is a vital thing. Now, I can’t wait to go to the farmers’ market and get new veggies that are fresh and organic. I cook more. I look better. I feel even better than I look, which is, as I already said, better. (Happy Endings reference, anyone?)


If you’re anxious, there’s only one tip I can give. Go out. Have fun in nature. Forget about the problems, and breathe that fresh air. Then lay on the grass and look at the sky. Watch the stars and realize that you’re only given one life, so make the best out of it.